Saturday, July 24, 2010

Harbor Tour

On Wednesday I arranged for Alyssa's playgroup to meet for a tour of the SPD Harbor Patrol. It turned out to be a beautiful day. The clouds burned off before the tour began that morning. Not everyone was able to attend but those who did really seemed to have a good time.

The tour lasted around an hour or so and honestly I could have stayed out there all day! There is nothing I love more than being on the water. We got to ride on Patrol 4 and just went around in Lake Union. Again, the weather was perfect for us, not too hot but warm and with a little breeze. We got to watch a few of the sea planes come in and take off as well as check out some of the nice house boats and yachts.

Before we headed back in the turned the fire hose on and sprayed the water. I think everyone was excited about this. The kids got to turn the hose and had a blast with that. Haha..

We headed back after that and I got to see a few more of the officers that I used to work with. It was nice seeing everyone but I sure don't miss working there or working period. Even though there are days I could pull my hair out I wouldn't trade being home with my kids for anything!