Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Almost done!

The nursery is almost done! I'm so excited about it, it kind of makes it feel so much more real to me for some reason. I put the crib up the other day, which I think I lost out on that deal. Cory was putting together one of Alyssa's Christmas gifts but it ended up not having all the pieces and had to take it back. When he did that the store didn't have any more except for the floor model which was in perfect condition and all put together so he got that one! They weren't going to have any more in the store until after the first of the year. The crib was actually very easy to put together and I love doing stuff like that so it wasn't that bad of a deal I guess.Now I'm just trying to figure out what I'm going to do with one of the walls. I haven't decided if I'm going to do what I originally thought, something else, or just leave it like it is. We'll see.
I preregistered the other day for the hospital and by the end of next week will be in my third trimester! I can't believe how fast this has actually gone. I was a little worried since I found out so early but with everything going on it's flown by.

Nicole took a few pictures of me the other day when she was over. I'm still not huge and some people can't believe I'm due when I am but I was the same way with Alyssa up until the end. This time I am bigger than I was at this time with her. At my appointment the other day, everything is going very well. I have only gained 1 pound since my last appointment. I think Cory was a little jealous. Him and the Doctor were talking about it and I laughed because I know I sure haven't been doing anything to not gain weight! Like the Doctor said, thank lady luck! With saying that to according to the scales and what not before hand I was technically a little over weight so it's a good thing. I just hope that I don't balloon up a whole lot at the end like I did with Alyssa.
Cory started his vacation today which I'm so excited about! He was even surprised on his day off when he checked his email and found out a previous denied day was reversed and approved! I always get after him for checking his work email on his days off but this time it was worth it! So excited for the holiday fun to start up!