Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Thanksgiving trip

For Thanksgiving this year we headed down to Longview for four days. Cory and I stayed at the hotel and Alyssa got to stay at my parents house for the time we were there. She had a blast and was spoiled a lot! I think she got ice cream every night!!!!!!
Thanksgiving day we spent it at my parents house with family there and had a feast! My mom really out done herself with everything. We had all the usual fixings along
with my favorite a seafood salad that was delicious. Alyssa was a little tired when I went and woke her up from her nap early, but everyone wanted to see her. She didn't eat much of her dinner but loved the pumpkin cheesecake that my mom made.
The next day I got up and went and did a little shopping since our hotel was at or by the mall. I got a great deal on a winter jacket for Alyssa and some clothes for
baby Deuce, even though I think I will have to take those back. After that we went and spent the day with Cory's family. We had a great time as well. Cory and his brother went and played some golf while Alyssa and I hung out at the house with his mom, sister in law and her son. It was fun to get the cousins together since they never get to see each other.
We headed home Saturday and once we got home spent the rest of it decorating for Christmas! I'm so excited I love this time of year. This next month is going to be so very busy and I'm so excited with all the stuff we have planned.