Thursday, November 5, 2009


Friday the day before Halloween Alyssa and I went trick or treating with our friends from our MOSS group and went to an assisted living home. Alyssa was a little shy with all the people who lived there who kept coming up to her but once we started to go around and get candy she perked right up and learned what to do very quickly. It was very cute to watch all the kids in their costumes. I was a little bummed because I had wanted to take pictures but once there I realized I didn't have the SB card for my camera...ugh!
Later that night we were invited to a friends daughters Halloween party. We went and had a blast! Alyssa just jumped right in and was wanting to play with all the girls. They aged from around 7-9 and Alyssa and Jianna were dressed in similar costumes. It was very cute! The food was great had lots of treats and were sent home with a lot of them that Cory loved since he was unable to go because he had to work. The girls played lots of games and had a great time. I look forward to doing that stuff with Alyssa as she gets older. We were exhausted when we got home and had an early morning the next day.
That next morning we were going to get our H1N1 shots. There was a place really close to us at a church that I decided to go to. They didn't open until 9 and I got there around 8 and you already had to park blocks away and the line was wrapped around with no cover. It was pouring outside. I decided I would just skip it. So we headed to Walmart to pick up our Christmas cards that were done. As we were leaving there I noticed there was a pharmacy that was giving the shots right by the Walmart. So we popped in there and waited 2 1/2 hours and got our much needed shots.
That Halloween night we actually ended up staying home and handing out candy. I made a nice dinner for us and dressed Alyssa up so the trick or treaters could see her and we just relaxed. Cory was off for the first time in a long time on Halloween. It will be so much fun in the years following taking the kids out and having party's for them on Halloween.