Saturday, November 15, 2008

My first Pho

Yesterday Cory and I took Harley in to get his bath and we decided to go out to lunch. We went to one of our favorite restaurants called "Pho." For those of you who do not know what Pho is, it is a Vietnamese soup. It is fabulous especially on a cold day or if you are coming down with a cold. They brought us a little bowl for Alyssa. At first I wasn't going to give her any but then I had second thoughts. I put a little broth into her bowl along with a piece of chicken and some bean sprouts. She loved it. She gobbled it all up! It was fun to watch her. Especially with the ice water. I think she enjoyed that just because it felt good on her mouth but she drank it anyways. I'm glad she enjoyed it because I am sure she will be going back a lot especially since it's one of our favorite restaurants and it's so family oriented.