This week has been very long and boring. Alyssa and I have both been sick and pretty much haven't left the house in a week except for today! It was great to be out even tho we just went to Babies R Us to find a couple items and out to the grocery store. She is feeling better, I think, and I am somewhat day to day. Alyssa has been in a great mood for having a cold tho, I swear this child never seems to get that cranky I am just waiting for the hammer to drop tho.
She is starting to be able to stand up holding onto stuff for a little while. She can't pull herself up but she will stand there and after a few seconds she seems to want to move but can't figure out how and starts whining. Its actually quite cute. I also have gotten her some crackers for her to see if she can figure out what to do with them. She did, they went pretty much straight to her mouth after banging them on her high chair tray. That's not saying too much because almost everything is going straight into her mouth at this point. Her front bottom teeth are still coming in. I'm surprised at how long they are actually taking to come all the way in. Tonight was the first time that she actually was almost in a crawling position. She got her bottom and legs in the position and was trying to figure out what to do but couldn't and then would hit the floor and push herself up with her arms. Hopefully it's only a matter of time before she starts to crawl. At that moment tho I was thinking I should probably start to somewhat baby proof the house.
Well hopefully this week gets back to normal. We haven't gone to her swim lessons this last week because of being sick but I'm planning on going back on Tuesday. They are actually pretty fun even tho they go by so quickly and she really enjoys them. Cory will be able to attend this next week so hopefully I get some good pictures of her. I have completed her Halloween costume and can't wait to see her in it. The holidays are going to be soooo much more fun now I can't wait!
Cory and I spent this afternoon working in the back yard. We decided to dig up all the crab grass that was back there and replant. Hopefully it works. I have crab grass. So if anyone out there has any really great tips on how to keep it out let us know because so far with everything we have been hearing it's not easy.
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