Well last Wednesday Alyssa, Harley and I all headed down to Longview for the weekend. We had a busy week planned. On Thursday I headed down to Vancouver/Portland with my Mother-in-law to attend the Phantom of the Opera with her and my sister-in-law, Amanda. We had a good time. It was my first time seeing the performance and it was fantastic despite the really hot weather. On Friday my mom had wrist surgery so I spent all day assisting her and hanging out with my dad. Alyssa was at her other grandmothers house and Harley was at day care. The rest of the weekend was more of helping my mom out and avoiding the almost unbearable heat down there.
Cory and two of his friends were down at Straddleline ORV Park riding and camping. They had a good time despite getting lost in the Olympic National Forest because they were unable to ride at the park because of the Off Road Championships that they were not aware of when the trip was originally planned. So off to the forest they went. After several hours of being lost and finally reconnecting at camp not all was lost because the ice cream lady dressed in pink with her pink jeep came by and the manly men got their ice cream and sat around reminiscing about their adventures of the day. There was so much more to this story but I won't bore everyone with all the details. I'm just glad that everyone was uninjured and eventually safe.
Sunday I headed home and all of us were glad to be back and be sleeping in our own beds. Especially Harley who has a hard time sleeping while away because he is so excited and doesn't want to miss out on anything and the awesome thunder and lighting storms that we were having down there it was great. Well all is back to normal for awhile anyhow. Alyssa has her six month appointment on Wednesday and we are getting ready for our next vacation on Labor Day.
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