Well if finally happened Alyssa received her first owie and it came from Harley our dog. Although not major it still was very traumatic for her! Now let me back up and explain some things for those who do not know Harley. Harley was our first baby. We have had him from the time he was 8wks old, he is now 3. From that time he has been the center of our attention. He sleeps with us, gets to go bye-bye pretty much whenever we go somewhere, gets to eat rib eye steaks, so we pretty much created a monster but a lovable one. So when Alyssa came along we were very interested to see his reaction. When we brought her home he smelled her and was on his way. With all the friends and family coming by I think he thought she too soon would be leaving. Obviously that never happened. So he accepted her as part of the family. He gives her kisses on her feet, hands and face, sleeps next to her crib and even comforts her when she cries by kissing her. So I was pretty nervous with him walking around her at first because I was not sure how he would act, especially considering he believes he is only 5lbs which he is not he is 38lbs. They were laying on the couch together and he must have heard something when all of a sudden he jumped up and off the couch his paw scratching Alyssa's ankle. At first I thought she must have been startled but that's happened before and she never had turned that shade of red. So I got to looking at her and saw she had a few scratches that were red, no blood tho. Her face was so red and she was screaming something terrible. If I remember right I don't think she screamed like that when she got her shots! After a few minutes of me consoling her she fell back to sleep and Harley had returned and curled back next to her.
I had to take some pictures even tho it wasn't major, thank goodness, but it was her first. It's on her right ankle if you can see it. The other pics were a little blurry.
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