Monday, August 27, 2012


One of my all time favorite bands is Aerosmith.  The last time they went on tour I for whatever reason didn't go and I swore if they came around again I was going.  In March tickets went on sale and I snatched some up.  Cory wasn't too interested in going with me so at the time my sister was going to go.  I couldn't believe I had to wait six months to now see them but let me tell you it was worth the wait!  As it got closer my sister decided that she didn't want to go and for me to ask a friend.  I knew exactly who I wanted to ask and so thankful she was able to go.

Stacy and I couldn't wait for it.  The day finally arrived and we left and headed down to Tacoma.  It's the last place I want to watch a concert but you do what you got to do.  By the time we got to our seats the show started within five minutes.  We had amazing seats and were so close.  I couldn't have been happier!

Cheap Trick performed for about an hour and they were alright.  Not my favorite band but it wasn't hideous.  After about a twenty minute intermission the show began!  I don't think anyone stopped dancing, yelling, or singing the entire time!

It was an amazing show!  They all still have it in every way!  I can/t wait to go see them again. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Room Makeover For My Boy Knox

The Superhero's are done!  Knox loves his "new" room and the space he has now to play with his cars.  I have been in a slow transition of changing his room from his "nursery" to his "big boy" room for awhile.  Once I finally decided on a theme my sister and I ran with it.  I gave her my ideas and she painted away. 

On one wall we have spider man and in the web the letters of his name are hung.  The other wall has batman with him "flying" towards the light with his bat symbol.  The skyline is painted all around on the bottom.
Knox loves going in his room and saying "mom, look....Batman!"  It's so stinking cute how he does it.  He is a crackup.

We are still working on getting him a twin bed, he is still using his crib that is turned into a toddler bed.  I will get him some bedding to go along with his room decor.  I saw a really cool one that I liked but not sure I'm wanting to put out that kind of money for one...will just say it was at Pottery Barn.

His room is nice because now that I got rid of the changing table and the glider he has a lot more room to play with his train table and cars.  He loves going in there and playing.  It cracks me up.  I will go looking for him and go open his bedroom door and he will tell me "Hi Mom, I playing...go away!"  Then he laughs.

 This little man melts my heart!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Very Busy Weekend

To go along with what was already a busy week this last weekend was exhausting and fun!  Friday we had a fun play date with a preschool friend, Mason and his sister and Mom.  We decided to go out to Jetty Island.  I had never been there before and neither had she and since the weather has been great we wanted to spend some time outside and let the kids run off as much energy as possible.

All the kids were excited to ride the boat.  We headed over there around 1030 and returned around 330. There was an extremely low tide that day so it was fun to let the kids run and run and run!  I can still here Alyssa's giggles from chasing Mason and him her.  There was a nice little breeze out there so it didn't get too hot.  After Kelly and I had a little conversation about sand Knox decided to pour sand down my back and it went down my shorts.  Nothing like a little sand in your underwear to keep things interesting!  Ha!

I can tell that this is going to be a place that we hang out a lot in the years to come!  A lot of people complain about the PNW and I have to say that I love living in this area.  We have so many options of things to do right at our fingertips! 

Saturday my good friend Michelle and I decided to take our kids on a hike and go to the Ice Caves.  Neither one of us had gone before so we weren't sure how the kids were going to do especially the little ones.  It's only about a mile hike but pretty much all up hill to the caves.  The day we chose to go the weather was nice and probably around the mid 80's.  The kids, especially the older ones, did awesome.  Once at the top or to the caves which weren't formed yet we checked it out and headed back.  The kids wanted to play on it but seriously lame parent moment, I wasn't going to have my children be a casualty of the melting snow.  We headed back down and there were no complaints because they knew they were going to eat!  I have to say we were pretty hungry too!

It was funny because I have this game with Alyssa we play picking a letter of the day and we do stuff that is all about that letter.  Well we were finding all these things that begin with "S" and somehow everyone walking who passed us got in on it.  It was actually amazing how many "s" words we came up with.

Anyhow the picnic was fun after and when we were headed home Michelle and the kids came back to the house for water play and an impromptu BBQ.  It was great having them over and all the kids played great and were wiped out!  Alyssa loved going on the hike except for the heat.

Sunday we were able to get tickets to go see the Everett Aquasox.  I say able because that weekend they were pretty much all sold out.  It was a fun time having all of us hang out.  The kids loved it and had fun in the bounce houses, running around from a boy who was chasing them with a spray gun, the goodies, and the "cool" older girl who had an ipod and let Alyssa listen to it.  Jeez she is four and already wanting crap like that!  Oh and if you ask her she will be five soon, not until February, and then six.  It's so funny!

It was a very busy weekend for us and a lot of fun.  Our schedules seem to always be pact but I wouldn't trade it.  I get incredibly bored otherwise!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Alyssa's Room Makeover

Alyssa had been asking for her bedroom to be painted for awhile and since I had an extra pair of hands up here, Auntie Robie, I decided to take advantage and put artistic hand to work. 

I let Alyssa pick the color, purple, which she was so excited about.  While painting and some discussion we decided to put Tinker Bell on the wall.  Now for everyone who knows how I'm not a fan of cartoon items for clothes, decorations, etc. this was a little hard but knowing how excited it made me little girl and to see her face when it was complete who cares!

The room needed a little more to finish it off so a tree was added to the corner and we hung pictures from the branches.  Alyssa is in love!  A great surprise we had was my mom and I were having a discussion and she wanted to get her bedding etc. for her room.  Since we still had her in her toddler bed buying sheets etc. wouldn't be as easy since it was a crib mattress.  She suggested I take my old twin bed for her and that her and my dad would bring it up.  Perfect solution!

They both came up that weekend and delivered the bed along with numerous other items for her room.  It is now complete and I have loved the fact that Alyssa has kind of taken on this new role as to wanting everything clean in her room!

My Mom and Alyssa had a little slumber party in her room.  They did their nails that night together and we all hung out and watched a movie before going to bed.  I think Alyssa thought it was pretty cool even though my Mom was a trooper and slept on the floor.  Not sure I would hve done that just because Im old! Ha!

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is read but now I love being able to climb into her bed and read to her and snuggle comfortably!
She has been enjoying her new room and showing it off to all of her friends and family!  Knox's room is now underway so if anyone has a spare twin bed laying around let us know!

Friday, August 3, 2012

All For A Good Cause

For anyone who knows my little girl the know how much she loves dance, being a princess, and anything girly.  I was invited to join in an auction for a friend of mine niece who was diagnosed with cancer.

We won the auction and I was so excited for Alyssa to receive her gift.  When she got the package she was wondering what it was and couldn't wait to open it.  After she saw it she asked me who sent it to her.

I got on line and showed her the picture of the little girl and explained to her that she was sick etc.  Alyssa was so sweet and said that she loved her and wanted her better.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Other Fun Summer Adventures

We were supposed to go on two camping trips these last couple weeks but we had to cancel for a couple of reasons.  Im really bummed by this because we all love to go camping but what do you do.  Anyways life hasn't been boring!

Alyssa has been taking swimming lessons.  She goes twice a week at our gym and absolutely loves it.  She is a little timid which is normal when she starts something new.  I can see a improvement in her and even the teacher has said so.  She still isn't thrilled with putting her face in the water but at the same time wants to so badly.  We are working on it in the bath tub.  When she is willing to take a bath.  She now likes showers because "big girls take showers." Me sighing....She wants to grow up so quickly and I love listening to her on the playground with other kids.   Back to the swim lessons though.  She is signed up for the next session and is really excited because one of her besties is in the class.  So that should be interesting to see her progression with that.  I say that because I don't think she likes seeing anyone do something that she can't especially a friend if that makes sense.

We have also been doing a lot of bike riding.  Both kids love going out on their bikes and I couldn't be more thrilled.  Our neighborhood isn't the best because you are either going up hill which can be a little hard or going down.  They love going down!  Anyways we are very fortunate that we live in an area where we can take them to a lot of places to learn and use them.

Since having two kids and teaching them to do stuff it's been interesting how we have to approach stuff differently with each.  Alyssa needs a little TLC at times with new stuff while Knox just jumps in and doesn't really give it much thought.

Cory actually had a day off and we needed to take his car in to get some stuff done to it and were killing some time so we decided to take the ferry over to Whidbey Island.  It was a fun little thing to do with the kids and they were excited.  It was also my first ferry ride.  I kind of laugh about that since I grew up in Washington and have lived in this area for so long.  It's such a part of life up here but I guess if there is no reason to do it, why would I?

Afterwards we went out to lunch for beer and pizza.  The kids are so much fun and easy to take places to now.  They always have been but now we aren't lugging around all this crap!

As always we have lots of fun stuff coming up!