Thursday, January 29, 2009

Still not much.....

Still not a whole lot going here except everyday life. Grandma Peggy is coming up to watch Alyssa next week overnight so Cory and I can go to one of our favorite places and have a night alone. We are nerds we plan on having a quite night of scrabble, music, wine and cheese. Boy are we old or what!?!?!?! I can say that the next day I will be getting a massage that I can not wait for. Tomorrow I am hoping to see my friends Mandy and Dawn whom I haven't seen in months and miss. I'm waiting for this wonderful weather to get better so we can go on more walks and the park! Alyssa really enjoys swinging. She has the cutest giggle when she is on it. I can't wait for her birthday party. I got some really cute things for it and although I probably went overboard you do only turn one once!
Harley has taken up position next to Alyssa's high chair during meal time. He has learned that's where all the good food is. Alyssa has also decided it's more fun to feed Harley than herself! She loves coming to the dishwasher and helping out or just hitting the dishes. She has started to mimic you and I did this thing with my tongue one day and she did it back. So of course I had to eventually get it on tape!
Alyssa is still growing like crazy and I am having a lot of fun with her. Here are a few more pictures and videos for you all. Enjoy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Not a whole lot has been happening lately. We have just been doing our normal every day routine type stuff. Alyssa is growing like crazy and having fun exploring and learning new things. Her latest fascination is opening and closing doors. She has also taken a liking to chewing on her crib and of course not the part that has plastic on it for that very purpose!
Other than that not a whole lot has been going on. We have been excited that the sun has been out too bad it hasn't been warmer though! Here are some pictures and videos that I have taken over the last couple weeks. Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My little monkey

It's finally getting back to normal and I am so very thankful for that. I have started planning Alyssa's birthday part and still can't fathom that it is almost here! Yes, it's still a little over a month away but where did all the time go? She still amazes me daily with all the new things that she discovers.

Her latest thing is crawling the stairs. Yes she is supervised when she does this so everyone can relax. The highest she has gone is the third step and it's very impressive to me how she does this. She has also started to do something that cracked me up. I was in our bedroom bathroom getting ready and I could here her screaming so I had poked me head out the door. She had pulled herself up in the crib and was yelling and looking out her door. From where she was you could see our room. I am thinking that she was yelling or telling me something. Probably to get her out of her crib, but I thought this was hilarious for some reason.

She finally had her Gymboree class today. We had a good time, although someone got a little cranky because they hadn't had their morning nap but more on that later. The instructor sang lots of songs, showed us around all the equipment, we played with scarves and so on. There was only one other little boy there who was turning one next weekend. It was their first time there as well. They were really cute together. During one of the songs Alyssa started clapping her hands and smiling and oohing and ahhing at the instructor it was pretty cute. I think I will eventually sign her up for a session. It will be a great place for her when she is able to walk and can run around in there, especially when it's raining out!!!

Her morning naps are also becoming somewhat non-existent. I'm still laying her down but she doesn't fall asleep but plays in her crib. I think that I am in denial that I might have to give this up eventually

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas in Longview

We just got back from having our last Christmas down in Longview and Vancouver. The first night was at my parents house. My mom cooked dinner and it was great as usual. Even though I gave her a bad time about it because it was a meal I didn't really like growing up it was fab-u-lous! Alyssa finally got her little princess car that I had been hearing soooo much about for the last month or so. It's very cute! It has most of the Disney princess's on it and makes lots of wonderful noises. Alyssa can sit on it and enjoys pushing all the buttons and honking the horn but is still a tad short from reaching the floor with both feet. She does get the biggest grin when you push her on it.

The next day we headed down to Vancouver to spend with Cory's brother and his family. The guys went to some golf discount store or something and us woman and Nolan hung out. Well the kids actually napped most of the time and Amanda and I caught up, baked, and had yummy margaritas. That evening the Grandparents and G. Grammy came down and we had dinner, played games and opened up presents. The kids both got more great presents. Aunt Mandy got Alyssa this wonderful picture for her wall from a local artist. It's just the cutest thing. It has a picture with a fairy kissing a huge moon and on the bottom it says "catching some Z's." My description doesn't do it justice but it is so darn cute!
We headed home on New Years and we were very happy to be back and get back to normal. Cory had to work and I ended up going to bed late for me but still in 2008. We both woke up around midnight because of the war zone going on outside and Harley terrified. We said "Happy New Year" and both rolled over and went back to bed. How exciting we are. Well at least Cory has an excuse. Today we are headed over to a friends house which has become a New Years day tradition. They cook up this great southern meal and we grub! I'm really excited to see them and all the other friends that will be there!
Happy New Years to everyone and wish everyone the best!