Yesterday we went to the farm down the road from us and got our pumpkins. It was such a nice day out to do this. We lucked out. Nicole joined us and we got to take lots of fun pictures. The farm has a lot of stuff for kids to do. The only thing we didn't get to participate in was the hay ride and the pumpkin cannon, those are only available on the weekend. It was fun anyways. We went and looked at the roosters, pigs, and goats. Alyssa seemed to like the pigs until they started getting a little excited and making lots of noises. We were having a hard time picking out our pumpkins. They have so many there. We eventually ended up just getting four small ones. Alyssa was starting to get a little fussy, it was her dinner time. One thing she doesn't mess with is eating! We headed back to the house carved our pumpkins and had dinner. It was nice to see Nicole and catch up on all the things that's going on in her life.
A few days ago I met up with two friends whom I hadn't seen for such a long time. We went to the Rain Forest Cafe at Southcenter Mall. I had never been there before and the kids sure seemed to like it. My friend Mandy brought her son, Owen, with her. He is two months younger than Alyssa. He is just adorable and such a flirt! He was just all smiles. They sat next to each other in their highchairs and kept trying to grab each other. I can't wait to get them together somewhere where we can just let them play. Hopefully Dawn didn't feel too left out but we did tell her to bring her cabbage patch doll...right!?!?!?! Anyhow it was great seeing the both of them and hopefully we all get to spend more time together more often.
Alyssa is doing great and continuing to change daily. She got a little mark underneath her eye. She fell and hit her head on one of her toys and it swelled up. I have been trying to get her to hold her own bottle. She can do it but is refusing. I have been trying everything! I finally laid her down on the floor and gave it to her she held it with both hands and then even held it with one and looked at me and threw it to the floor. I tell you I sure hope she didn't get my stubbornness but I think it's a little too late. Her top two teeth are still trying to come through. You can see them through the gums but just haven't pushed all the way out yet. She can now roll over from front to back and back to front. So that has been a little less frustrating for her and us. Now if she will only crawl!!! She continues to enjoy standing and walking around.
Halloween should be fun we are taking her to the hockey game with all of her grandparents. I'm sure it will be a little chaotic but hopefully it all runs smoothly.