Monday, June 30, 2008

Rolling and stripes

Well it's official now, Alyssa is rolling over. She always has done this in her sleep some how but now laying on the floor she is rolling and holding her head up looking around. Now we are going to have to watch her like a hawk depending on where we have her laying. Tonight she is going to be sleeping in my room. Cory is working Mariners and has to work tomorrow so he will be sleeping at his grandmothers house. The reason why is I have finished painting her room! I am very excited about it although it's not completely done yet, I still would like to get a small chandelier for it and some curtains. It took me two days to finish. I had to measure and tape the stripes which was a pain in the butt! Also painting around her name that was also up was a little time consuming but overall I think it turned out OK. So I decided it would be a good time to do it when Cory was gone so she could be in our room and not inhale the fumes from the paint. Not that if he was here she couldn't but it makes it a little easier. She's only slept in our room probably no more than five times. So it should be interesting and possibly a nice treat for her. We have always had her in her crib since she came home so I don't know if she what it will be like. I am just hoping that we both get some sleep! Update on eating cereal. She is liking it more and more and does the best after drinking at least half of her bottle if not the whole thing. Today she actually had four spoonfuls of it during one sitting. I tried to take a bite out of it but it stunk and couldn't bring myself to taste it. Oh well at least I tried. Unlike some adults I know that eat it to soothe their upset stomachs!!! Just kidding you two!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rice cereal and the frog

Well Alyssa had a busy week. Her Great Grammy watched her while I went shopping for some dresses for a couple of weddings we will be attending in August. Her Godmother Nicole watched her on Friday while Cory and I went out to dinner and bowling with our good friends Thomas and Stacy. She also played in her froggy pool for the first time. She enjoyed it for a little while but did start to get cranky because she was ready for her nap. You are supposed to hook a hose up to it and it will spray water out. I didn't do that because I thought the water would be way to cold for Alyssa and I, especially since I still have to assist her in sitting up. She did get to wear her swimsuit for the first time tho. Ironically Cory talked to his twin brother and found out that Nolan, Alyssa's cousin, has the same pool and used it for the first time today as well.
We have started Alyssa on rice cereal. So during every feeding I am just giving her a little bit until she gets used to it and everything. Her faces she makes were priceless when she first started tasting it. I think she has gotten used to it and isn't having too much of a problem.

Well I have finally decided how I want to decorate Alyssa's room. It's taken me awhile to figure it out but I wanted to wait until I could figure out what I wanted and not just throw something together. So hopefully I will have some pictures for you all soon.
Well we have a busy week ahead of us. Cory will be starting his vacation and we will be crabbing, 4th of July party, Grandpa Richter's B-Day, and a lot cookouts and visiting with friends and family. Yesterday was Aunt Robin's B-day and today is Grammy Simmons B-day. So Happy Birthday to the both of you!!!! We love you!!!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Four month checkup

Well Alyssa had her four month checkup today. The doctor said she is doing great and very healthy. She weighed in at 15.6lbs and 25 1/4inches. Her teeth are coming in and it is so weird to see, you can actually see the little white tips of them. She is taking it great, although she is slobbering a lot and trying to eat her whole hand. She got four more shots today but took them like a champ. The first two she didn't cry and even smiled up at me and then the last ones she let out a big wail that lasted only seconds. She is an awesome baby so very laid back! We really lucked out because I don't know if I could handle a screaming baby all day long!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

June 15th was Father's Day and Cory's first of many too come. We had a good day. Cory slept in since he worked Mariner's the night before and was exhausted from a long week of work and off duty. We than cleaned up the house and yard and awaited our friends to come over and celebrate and barbecue with us. Cory got some great golf shirts from Alyssa to go with his new clubs. Unfortunately I don't think they have improved his game at all. We had a good time hanging out in the sun, I got a little burned, eating good food, listening to music, watching the kids all play and watching the US Open. Too bad Rocco Mediate didn't beat Tiger in the playoff but there is always next year!

Cory went down to Vancouver with his friend Doug to do a little sturgeon fishing with his brother Tyson and his friends. They didn't have any keepers but caught a 10-12ft sturgeon. Unfortunately it wasn't a keeper! Tyson caught a salmon on a trout pole but wasn't able to keep that one either. They did manage to catch a bunch of shad tho and we will use that for our crab bait come this July. We plan on having many seafood cookouts. Bring on the crabbies!!!!!

Alyssa, Harley and I all went down to Longview for the week to visit family. Both of her grandmothers enjoyed visiting with her a lot as well as the rest of the family. She also got to meet her Great Aunt Melody who we haven't seen forever. It was good seeing her again and having her see Alyssa. We did a bunch of shopping with both grandmothers and got a bunch of clothes and played a lot. She gets very spoiled by them. My mom and I took Alyssa to get her foot print put on a ceramic plate. Which was fun watching her reaction to the wet paint.
Cory and I enjoyed a day together ALONE! We dropped Alyssa off at her Great Grammys and we went off to the driving range and out to lunch on the waterfront in Seattle. It was a gorgeous day for that. We came home and enjoyed the evening in the backyard playing and listening to music. It's getting to be a lot more fun with Alyssa because she is getting to be more interactive. She has her four month appointment on Monday. More shots, yikes! So it will be very interesting too see just how much she has grown. She has definitely filled out a lot within the last month or so. I think she is also starting to get some teeth in. Until then.....

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last day of school

Alyssa's Grandma Simmons has officially retired after 28 years of teaching. She taught at Robert Gray Elementary School in Longivew for many years and will leave there as their Reading Specialist. I know she will be greatly missed! Gail always knew she wanted to be a teacher and I know she will continue doing so whether it's with tutoring, volunteering, assisting with the dreaded WASL or just being with her grandchildren. Which I know she plans to do a lot of!!!! Congratulations Gail we are all so very proud of you!!!!!

Well it was bound to happen. Alyssa has got her first cold! She has actually been a very good sport about it. She has been sneezing a lot, has a runny nose and her eyes are glassy like mine get when I'm sick. The doctor gave me a "mucus recipe" to help with the mucus in her nose. I haven't tried it yet since it's not too bad and I have been sucking it out with the little blue thing. I don't know its proper name. She sat up today for several seconds by herself and is outgrowing her clothes like crazy. It sucks because her clothes fit her everywhere except for the length of the arms and legs. I keep saying she is way to young to be having this problem already. Other than that not a whole lot is going on just waiting for Sunday to enjoy some sun, hopefully, and friends for a Father's Day barbecue.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More pics

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pic's of Graduation.....

Sunday, June 8, 2008

All about Jaqueline Nicole McKinney

Well I bet Nicole thought it would never come. That is graduating college with her Masters degree in Industrial Business Psychology from Seattle Pacific University. It's been a long journey for her and we are all so very proud of all her accomplishments. Friday we attended the hooding ceremony and Ivy Cutting at the school.

The Ivy Cutting is an interesting ritual that the school started back in 1922 and the graduates receive a piece of the cut ivy symbolizing their ties to the school and their new journeys ahead. Hopefully I got that correct, so my apologies to anyone out there who reads this and notices any discrepancies. Please let me know and I will correct as soon as possible.

Unfortunately this was done inside the gym at the school due to the weather conditions. I know shocking rain in Washington! Well anyhow afterwards we enjoyed a lunch with her department at McCormick and Schmicks on Lake Union. It was a good lunch and we had a chance to talk with a few of her professors and classmates. The students put together a slide show of events they did through out the year.

Than it was off to Qwest field for that diploma she has waited so very long for. Nicole had pretty much her whole family there with her. Everyone lucked out because I don't think it rained at all through this ceremony. Afterwards we went out for cocktails and then attended a dinner at Purple Cafe and Wine Bar in Seattle. It was a fabulous dinner and a good time hanging out with family. Thank you again Lisa and Mark for a great time! After dinner a few of us went out to Cellers in Belltown for a few more cocktails. Cory and I got a hotel room downtown and had a babysitter for the weekend. It's definitely something we do not take for granted anymore!
Alyssa spent the weekend with her Great Grammy and Grandmother. Alyssa is doing great getting bigger and stronger every day. The other day she took her binkie and pulled it out of her mouth and put it back in. She did this a couple times so hopefully that wasn't just a fluke that it happened. Well we should have a good week. Father's Day is coming up on Sunday and we are planning a barbeque with some friends and than Alyssa and I are off to Longview for a few days.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The big tub and a busted fence

Today Alyssa had a day of firsts, she received her first email, held her bottle for a few seconds by herself, although it was almost empty so it wasn't very heavy for her and had her first bath in the big tub! She loves taking baths and really enjoyed kicking the water. I think she's going to be a swimmer! She likes the bath tub so much better than the sink. She can now stretch out and splash. The bath mat or cushion I have for her is so easy to use in there as well. Now I just have to get some bath toys for her. Where's that rubber duckie!?

I finally decorated the upstairs bathroom and will be working on the office and our bedroom after that. The bathroom looks really good, its done in white, brown, and a dark blue. It's a little more modern than I like but I think it will just take a little getting used too and final touches too it before I can make my final decision.
Earlier this week Harley broke out of the fence literally. The neighbors dog was walking by and they were barking at each other and Harley took has head and busted the board and slipped on out! No one was hurt they were basically just all bark and slobber. They are having issues trying to figure out who is going to be the alpha dog. The neighbors dog is a boxer so she is a lot bigger than Harley, but he refuses to back down. So we ended up fixing the fence around 8pm and of course Cory got it stained that night as well. It's so nice to have a husband who is so meticulous! Now the new board doesn't match the other's but I am sure it's not the last one to be broken! So we are now trying to figure out a way to keep Harley from digging and jumping on the fence. If anyone has any ideas please let us know!

Well Cory is off to Lake Chelan tomorrow with his friend for some fishing....hopefully they catch some, although I think they are just Kokanee. As for me I am going out tonight for a little shopping, fro-yo, and Sex in The City with my niece. Who by the away is going to be graduating this weekend with her Masters in Psychology from SPU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Nicole! I can't wait for that it will be a fun weekend of good food, drinks, family and a babysitter! More details on that to follow! A HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GREAT AUNT JUDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!